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Exmilitary is an experimental hip-hop album released by Death Grips in April of 2011. Members featured on this album are Mc Ride, Flatlander, and Zach Hill. It received positive reviews at the time of release and made a name for themselves in the industry. The lyrics on Exmilitary are some of the darkest and deepest in Death Grips discography. Several topics on this album include Running away from the police, Doing drugs, Being an individual, Occultism, and murder. In his lyrics, Mc Ride discusses his general distaste for people who don't question the world around them which gives us a better understanding of Ride as a person. The song "Beware" is opened by Charles Mason who is known as an infamous cult leader of the '60s and '70s, After Charles, finishes giving his speech the song plays and Mc Ride Goes on to discuss some of the topics listed earlier. Many of the songs on beware are heavily sampled from bands such as The Beastie Boys, The sampling is used for things such as guitar and voice clips; Later on, in Death Grips career they started to sample their music to make new songs. My favorite song on this album is Spread Eagle Cross The Block because of its guitar sample and voice effects as well as unique lyrics. My main reason for this not being a perfect 5/5 is that I feel that it lacks something that the other Death Grips albums have, the ideas presented on this album aren't as solid as future albums which is excusable because it's their first album but they could have done more with it. Another reason why this isn't a 5/5 is that many songs featured on this album are just songs from their EP which means that not all songs on the album are unique to that album.